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HALLOWEEN AT XMAS - Time constraints prevented a Kickstarter at Halloween and so this requested set got pushed till December:

Themed set of Horror figures from a well known genre- researchers at a remote outpost discover alien DNA and soon become infected. Sets are split over 25 days in the rough timeline of the alien abominations expansion throughout the research facility.

Image of everything included is the 7th image but is included last as some people didnt want spoilers to ruin the daily surprise.

1/100 scale (referred to as 15mm 1/100 scale is a human that is 18mm from toe to top of head)

Figures can be rescaled with relative ease and Ive printed most of these at twice the size for my own uses (1/50 scale often called 32mm); So you can scale larger but I wouldnt advise printing smaller than 50% as it will get too thin in some aspects (though people have said they have had success at 1/300 scale and are happy with the results)

Allows you to print for yourself or friends and family- does not have the right for commercial sales in any form.

Buildings and terrain objects in this set have supports provided for Resin printers but they were designed to be printed flat on your (FDM) printer without any supports needed as well. An adaptation of the Easy Print format these use a 42 wall system- 2 which have channels running down the side as 'LockWalls' with a floor and roof that share the same horizontal dimensions to provide a sturdy foundation and removable roof.

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Because my entire product is a thing you can download and then use as much as you want there can be NO REFUNDS. All of the files are tested, all of them work, and as such if you have any issues the best bet is to contact me.

Last updated Nov 28, 2024

778 MB
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